Species of the moor
In the moor there's a diverse variety of organisms. Some made out of meat, some others out of vegetative tissue, some made out of wax and some other organic tissues (and certain ones inorganic but certainly alive)
Although in real life these divisions would be considered kingdoms, we prefer to refer to them as classes, because most of these organisms exhibit more metazoan behavior despite including plants and fungi. A large majority of them can feel and move on its own impulse.
The most notable and notorious class in the world, where there is a greater number of sophonts compared to the others, is the fleshy class, also known as meatkind. Their organisms are the most similar to metazoan organisms in the real world.
Meatkinds are grouped into 6 different orders. Rodentia, Trifurcata, Facadechthyes, Aves, Abstracta and Nagalia. Of these classes, only Facades, Abstracts and Avians have sophont species. The rest of them are nothing more than just animals. Some orders are vertebrate while others invertebrate
There's also some superorders but we will talk about these later.
There are also other biological classes coming soon to this page, unfortunatedly making a clade graphic of them will be complicated so instead there's going to be hyperlinks