Species of the moor

In the moor there's a diverse variety of organisms. Some made out of meat, some others out of vegetative tissue, some made out of wax and some other organic tissues (and certain ones that may not be organic but are certainly alive)

The most well-known and relevant being the beings made out of flesh, also known as the meatkind. The closest thing to real-world metazoan organisms

Meatkinds are grouped into 6 different classes. Rodentia, Trifurcata, Facadechthyes, Aves, Abstracta and Nagalia. Of these classes, only Facades, Abstracts and Avians have sophont species. The rest of them are considered animals, some of them even domesticated by the sophonts. Most classes are invertebrate

There are also other biological kingdoms coming soon to this page, unfortunatedly making a clade grap of them will be complicated so instead there's going to be hyperlinks